6 Top Productivity Tools For Your Startup

Your primary goal as a startup founder in the early days should be to be productive. Your sweat equity is the most crucial asset behind your business’s chances for success.
Finding tools that will help you be more efficient in your day to day work as a founder is crucial to driving early results. Here are 7 tools that will get your startup off the ground and set you up for success.

Project tool


Basecamp will help you manage projects, collaborate with team members and project stakeholders and track progress at every stage of execution. It’s very affordable compared to it’s alternatives, making it ideally suited to early venture project management.

Communication tool


Communication is crucial to early startup success. Over-communicating between early employees can be the difference between startups which flourish and those that flounder.
Slack is essential to streamline communication across the entire team – even if that “team” is only 1-2 people. Slack acts as a command center to efficiently sync everything, with the added advantage that you can access it on the web or via any smartphone.

Meetings tool


join.me is an app that allows you to schedule and hold meetings from the comfort of wherever you are. You can hold, record, screen share meetings with the added advantage of the fact that you don’t have to invest in expensive and cumbersome installations.

Office and administrative tool

G Suite

G Suite provides you with professional email services, 30GB online document storage and backup (google drive) that saves you on office space, calendar (google calendar) that helps you to plan, document services (Google docs, sheets and Google slides)

Marketing tools


90% of organizations use content in their marketing – if you rank on this list (and as a startup you should be), BuzzSumo is the best tool tool to create and scale early content with ease.

Surveys and interaction tool


Typeform is an online platform that allows you to easily surveys and interactive interviews with your customers. You can use it to get valuable feedback on customer needs and trends and insight on what’s working and what needs to be improved.