What Makes a Startup Founder Successful?

For every 1 successful startup founder, there are 1000 “experts” (read: snake oil salesmen) teaching the world about the secret sauce behind the founder’s success.
In reality, the vast majority of these arbitrary checkmarks are largely unfounded. For every success story who “presented their true self” (or some other such platitude), there exists another hundred who “presented their true self” and failed.
When deeply analyzing the success stories of the world’s greatest startup founders in the last 20 years, 5 core characteristics turn up.
At the end of the day, there’s no one nifty trick that’ll BLOW your mind.
Successful founders are successful because they’ve nailed the fundamentals. They’re smart, they work hard, they take smart risks, and they succeed – throw in a healthy smattering of luck here and there, and you have an empire.