4 Winning E Commerce Strategies For Your Startup

You’re in a race to first mover, the competition is stiff, and you need to find any elusive advantage over your competitors to emerge in front and capture the market. Here are 7 strategies to get you up there.

1: Let your content talk about what your customer wants to hear.

According to demandmetric, 90% of organizations use content to market their products and services. Content is king – but in 2019, in a saturated world of SEO, good content is king.

You should clearly make that your main objective – understand your buyer, identify the gaps and build your content to connect with them at their specific point of need. Buzzsumo is a great tool that can help you to get the content right for those who are looking for you.

2: Visualize what you offer

Speaking of content – high converting collateral nowadays are primarily visuals. Videos are the highest converting medium for online ads. Products with added media consistently drive the most sales. And yes, infographics still convert like crazy.

3: Product Searchability

Too many websites struggle with searchability, often with poorly thought out category maps backed up by a weak search engine.
Make it easy for your clients to find the products they are looking for. People are busy and if they come to your site, they are looking for fast answers to fix their problems.

Add powerful product filtering, implement strong site search (consider a solution like Algolia) and, if possible, add live chat and smart documentation to help your customers get to where they want to go.

4: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence helps you understand customer behavior at a granularity you’ve never been able to before, by studying historical data. Behind all the hype and buzzwords, there are several tools that actually offer substance – consider implementing tools like ClarifAi and ZetaHub.