The Hallmark Qualities of Top CEOs

The role of CEO isn’t an easy one, whether at a Fortune 100 company or a startup. With the demands of the entire business resting squarely on his or her shoulders, every CEO must learn how to hire the right talent, continuously inspire their team, and drive the business forward through the right combination of tactics and strategy. Here are a few traits that CEOs from the top companies in the world have in common.

1. Comfort with risk

When opportunity knocks, it often comes with risk. Successful CEOs know how to take calculated risks that have the potential for high reward. Some of the most groundbreaking startups are the result of a confident leap of faith.

2. Decisiveness

Every effective CEO should be able to make decisions quickly, based on the information available to them, but they shouldn’t act alone. Great CEOs consult with their advisors and teams to glean their input before making critical decisions that impact the entire business.

3. Charisma

Company morale ebbs and flows. This is especially true as a business grows and seeks to establish itself in the market. The top startups seek CEOs who exude charisma. It not only inspires employees but instills confidence in investors and potential customers.

4. Adaptability

Change is the only constant in the business world. CEOs must have the ability to predict what’s coming next in their industry and adapt the business to meet the changing needs of the market and their customers.

5. Humility

There is a difference between charisma, as described above, and arrogance. CEOs must be humble and willing to listen to their teams to excel in today’s competitive marketplace.

6. Trust

It’s universally true that the employees of any company or startup award trust to their leaders only when it is given to them first. Successful CEOs hire good people, put their trust in them, and get out of the way so they can do their best work.
While CEOs come in all personalities, backgrounds, and experience levels, these six fundamental traits are foundational for leadership success.